Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Australians Need Space

Australians like space. The major cities are relatively sparsely populated by world standards yet we still try to shun them to avoid people. Perhaps we are spoiled for space. Australia is the most sparsely populated country after Mongolia. Yes that is a fact. We do not hold the record. Though many still claim it.

Another issue is - What is a city? For world records this can be a problem. An "average" Chinese city would have more people than the whole of Australia. Julia Gillard is aiming to keep our cities small in the near future. But is this still possible in a world seemingly full of refugees? Time will tell if East Timor even accepts the Australian offer of money for making that country the regional refugee processing center.

People don't like things to change too fast. With Kevin Rudd as Prime Minister things seemed to be moving too quickly. He had so much planned and he ignored what most people wanted. Maybe there is a lesson in that for the leader of the Opposition. Voters wanted something done about the apparent flood of refugees and what is would mean for future population density. Julia Gillard has risen to the call and adopted a policy similar to John Howard. If Timor adopts the policy it will give some breathing space to Australians who are quite shocked to find people from strange cultures walking down their street. Australia is a Caucasian land, at the moment. It has taken two centuries for Chinese to be accepted as Ocker Aussies. Australians not only need space. Time is required as well.
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