Friday, July 9, 2010

Asylum Seekers to Be Slave Labour

Colin Barnett wants to introduce slave labour. Getting something for nothing may seem to be ideal, but in the modern world some would say it is disgraceful. Western Australian Premier Colin Barnett looks quite an angry person in photo shots. There is obviously something seething away inside him. He seems to have a hatred for refugees. People seeking asylum would have toil away for next to nothing in order to get citizenship if he gets his way.

He is correct in saying that Julia Gillard's "Timor Solution" is an echo of the Pacific solution brought in by John Howard. Colin Barnett is in favor of it. However, forcing "boat People" to work in jobs they don't want is something that Julia Gillard would never contemplate. Bonding them into work contracts is just too simplistic. The UN would say it is internationally illegal. It would not get off the ground.

Mr Barnett is certainly a free thinker. He says he does not "fall into line" with anyone, referring to Opposition Leader Tony Abbot and his views on immigration. I bet Tony Abbot is a bit miffed at not thinking of the idea first. The concept is far to the right, politically, just in Tony Abbot's area. Unless potential new Australians are kept in camps well away from cities people will not support such a scheme. I can see it now - immigrants chained together guarded at gunpoint taken to labour at the nearby quarry in the hot noonday sun. No, it is pie in the sky stuff.
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