Friday, July 9, 2010

Another Haircut

I got my time!
I got my time! 

Ladies and gentlemen
Let me present you this.

What do you think?
Nah, its not a permanent perm :P 
Jeri said my hair looked messy, so he brought me to a saloon just to clean it up. 
Cut my hair a bit shorter. The curls are just some extra bits that stayed only for a day.
Pretty nice right? 
I have curlers at home, but too lazy to use it -_-

I stayed in HK before going for the Shanghai trip. 
The weather is sizzling hot, but Im enjoying it anyway.

Got to meet my love and friends again. :)

Another purikura with Jerry and Kelly! 

Guess that's all for now!
Lots of love everyone!


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